The Reference Centre (RC) provides Sub-Branch members with hard copy reference material specifically related to Australia’s military history. This means the focus of the collection is on World War One (WW1), World War Two (WW2), the Boer War, the Korean War, the Malayan Emergency, the Second Vietnam War, Indonesian Confrontation, East Timor, the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan and Peacekeeping.
The RC collection includes official histories, memoirs, autobiographies and biographical material principally related to Australia but also includes reference books and magazines which provide a wider perspective of those wars, campaigns and operations in which Australia has been involved.
The RC will not hold classified material, reference material of a general nature, or works of fiction. In addition, due to space, only one copy of each book will be held while magazines will only be retained for 12 months.
The RC will not actively seek to expand on its current collection. However, it will accept books donated as part of commemorative services, but only those which comply with the purpose of the RC and do not duplicate existing material. Likewise, donations from other sources will only be accepted if they comply with the RC’s acquisition policy. Sub-branch members will be advised of new acquisitions as they are received.
Material held in the RC will be available to be loaned to all sub-branch members for 30 day periods. There will be a sign out/sign in register held within the RC, which is to be completed when material is borrowed and when it is returned.
The disposal of RC material covers the following:
Material, which is to be disposed of, will be gifted to local libraries, other sub-branches and aged care facilities in that priority. If there are still excess materials held they will be offered to Lifeline, service clubs such as Rotary, Sub-Branch members or for sale through on-line sites. If there is still material which requires disposal it will be placed in paper recycling.