Australia My Country

The Australia My Country (AMC) Competition is sponsored annually by the Forestville RSL sub-Branch and is designed to enhance the sense of pride and patriotism of participants by commemorating, through writing and art, Australia’s proud military heritage.  The Competition is open to Year 3 to 6 students of the Primary schools located within our defined geographic area and is run in conjunction with the principals and teachers of those participating schools.

The topic for the AMC Competition is selected annually by the sub-Branch Committee and participants can choose between written work (composition or poetry) or art works to meet the Competition requirements.

The topic for 2025 is “Commemorating 110 years of Anzac-an enduring Legend” or
“August 1945-Victory in the Pacific and Returning Home from War”

Closing date for Entries is Friday 9th May, 2025.

The detailed instructions and entry forms for the Competition are contained on this website.

Our defined geographic area is contained within the postcodes of 2084 (but excluding Cottage Point), 2085, 2086, 2087, and 2100 (but excluding Brookvale, North Manly and Warringah Mall).

Click here to view the Rules and How to Enter

Click here to download the ENTRY FORM