28 Sep Remembrance Day 2020
When: Wednesday 11th November, 2020
Time: 10.15am for 10.25am
At: the Cenotaph – Forestville RSL Club
Ticket only Event – limited numbers apply
Covid-19 Safety Plan in place
Many Warringah Pipe Band will play from 10.25am with our Remembrance Day Service commencing at 10.35am, concluding after 11.00am. This will be followed by a march around the Club carpark by the Band. Members of the sub-Branch and their families and friends are invited to attend. Limited seating will be provided.
At the conclusion, under COVID-19 restrictions, the sub-Branch will be providing post-Service hospitality in the Forest Room. Normal registration procedures will apply at Club Reception.
Since COVID-19 rules must apply, numbers are limited, so this is therefore a ticket only event. If you wish to attend, please contact the sub-Branch Secretary on 02 9451 1221 or email secretary@forstvillersl.org.au. You will be asked to provide full name(s) & mobile contact details. Thank you for your understanding.
We look forward to you joining us for our Remembrance Day Service