Anzac Day 2019

Anzac Day 2019


Sunday 14th April – Street March & Service

1440 – Meet at Forestville Memorial Hall for march to The Forest Club.
1500 – Service at The Forest Club Cenotaph



Dawn Service

Thursday 25th April 2019

0530 – Arrive at The Forest Club
0540 – Dawn Service followed by breakfast (see below)

Revised Breakfast arrangements:

The RSL NSW Act was proclaimed on 31st December 2018 in the NSW Parliament and, under our RSL NSW charity status for the Anzac Day Dawn Service, our Forestville RSL sub-Branch can now only provide free breakfast to past and current Service members with their medals.

The cost for members of the public is $10 per person, adult or child. These details have been on display since February this year in the Club, and in the Club’s social media activities, in order to ensure members of the public are aware of this change. We have also been including these details in our sub-Branch newsletters from March this year.